
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Juiciest - Photos, videos and investments

Finally a long weekend, here are some juiciest photos, videos, and of course, some readings on investment. But first of all, do you know what this guy did in a sushi restaurant in Singapore?

Read: The full story of Sushi Prank at Singapore

Cowboy points us to the lastest pose for camwhore in Russia:

Next, these Japanese or Taiwan girls create a big crowd at Hong Kong Lan Kwai Fong (two links for two parts), seems like clubbing scene at Hong Kong is more happening than Singapore.

Sony girl with a pretty nail art:

Yoga by the beach in bikini

Next, there is these China Hooters:

More Interesting Videos:
Sexy dance
Hong Kong Couples in the train
NUS musical production - backstage

Singapore Jobless rate hits 4.8% - going to worsen
Swine flu and its impact on Singapore market
S&P500 Double Top
Is current rally a Bear Rally

Click here for more Juiciest Posts of the Week


What a relief to have Barack Obama as President of the United States. Still, I winced when he said that we need more soldiers.

When I heard about the difficulty of finding enough soldiers to go to Afghanistan, I remembered the quote, "Someday they'll give a war and nobody will come." My recollection was that Carl Sandburg wrote those words, but I was unable to verify that. Several of the sources I found said that it came from the following poem:

It doesn't, unless Carl Sandburg didn't read his entire poem. Does anyone know for certain what the source is?

Today's view from my porch:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My dear Theo,


"It is sometimes so bitterly cold in the winter that one says, 'The cold is too awful for me to care whether summer is coming or not; the harm outdoes the good.' But with or without our approval, the severe weather does come to an end eventually and one fine morning the wind changes and there is a thaw. When I compare the state of the weather to our state of mind and our circumstances, subject to change and fluctuation like the weather, then I still have some hope that things may get better."


Yours truly,

(pages 63 and 64, from THE LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH, translated by Arnold Pomerans. This is from a letter of August 1879, written to his brother, Theo.)

This morning there were sand dune-shaped clouds in front of the sun as it rose above the cottonwoods. It was only after I downloaded the photos I took of the clouds and sun that I noticed a swallow in the sky. A few minutes ago when I went out on my porch, a swallow flew from the swallow nesting box. I had put the nesting box out last year, but the swallows didn't use it. That made me think of:

Swallow Song.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"Anyway, Henri Conscience may not be a perfect writer by any means, but no two ways about it, what a painter! And what loving-kindness in what he said and hoped for. There's a preface in one of his books on my mind all the time (the one to Le conscrit), where he writes that he has been very ill, and says that during his illness, despite all his efforts, he felt his affection for mankind draining away, but that his feelings of love returned on long walks in the countryside."

(pages 451, from THE LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH, translated by Arnold Pomerans. This is from a letter of September 1889, written to his brother, Theo.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flip Hole - another toy from Tenga

The Tenga Flip Hole has got me stunned.

For a while, many will think that is it just a normal plastic container, but definitely, it is more to it.

Developed by Mr Matsumoto, who was a car engineer for a well know Japan Car Brand, he conceived the idea of applying silicon to develop his first range of sex toys. This was also the first range of red series cups. In 2008, Tenga released their first reusable masturbation toy – Tenga Flip Hole.

The hottest selling toy in Japan, the Flip Hole is a product in a league of its own. Developed after intense research, and boosting a innovative design, the product consists of a few sections classified into orb. All serve to give an immense pleasurable experience which traditional products will not be able to achieve. Indeed, this product is ahead of other products by light years.

The Tenga Flip Hole Fliphole

Interior design

The click orb extends, gives stimuli and sensation. The side rib gives a stimulus from both sides. The Wing gate provides and firm and clinging experience. Next comes Quattro wave which gives wave after wave of stimulus. Finally, the end orb provides 360 degrees stimulation. The effect of all the various orb means that the Flip Hole is a toy which many of the other toys cannot match

How to use

Remove the wrapper that comes with it.

Open flip, there are 3 different lotions that come with it. Select the lotion that you prefer, pour lotion via an opening at hole. Buttons at the central pack increases the pressure at various parts of the organ. One just to to press and feel the different sensations.

Following is just to use it and experience the stimulus as described above.

To add, the flip hole is a cool toy and can be found at our Sex Toy Store at an affordable price.

The Tenga Flip Hole has been voted as a top 10 favorite toy that guys want to possess from a Japanese poll. Ladies, sorry you don’t get it. For the men, this is fun, stylish and easy to use toy which we are sure you do not want to miss.

In the last quarter of 2009, Tenga Japan has released a sequel to the Tenga Flip Hole.

It is known as the Tenga Black Fliphole Flip Hole. Proudly made in Japan too and available in Singapore and Malaysia. Colour difference aside, the Tenga Black Fliphole has a different inlay
that serves to give different sexual sensations. Get it while stocks last!


"Still, perhaps my journey to the south will yet bear fruit, for the stronger light and the blue sky teaches you to see, especially, or even only, if you see it all for a long time.

The north will undoubtedly seem quite new to me, and I have looked at things so much here that I have become very attached to them, so I shall feel sad for a long time."


"Well, do you know what I hope for, once I allow myself to begin to hope? It is that the family will be for you what nature, the clods of earth, the grass, the yellow wheat, the peasant, are for me, in other words, that you find in your love for people something not only to work for, but to comfort and restore you when there is a need. So, I beg you not to let yourself get too exhausted by business, but to take good care of yourselves, both of you -- perhaps there will still be some good in the not too distant future."

(pages 455 and 456, from THE LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH, translated by Arnold Pomerans. This is from a letter of September 1888, written to his brother, Theo. Theo had just married Johanna.)

The Central California Coast is not a place I can live except in my dreams. On the other hand, I've lived there for most of my life in my dreams, after having left my birthplace in the San Francisco Bay Area in summer of 1973. I was 23 years old and curious about the world outside of California. Never imagined how difficult it would become to return to California, except as a visitor.

The photo above was taken during my visit to California last October. I've used it before. It remains a favorite of mine.

Many thanks for the positive responses to the glimpses of my book! I'm experiencing a situational depression and am finding it increasingly difficult to get out of bed in the morning, to make phone calls, respond to email and to comments. Posting on my blog is about all I can do right now. Thank you for your understanding.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Juciest Post.. some sexy things

These are some of the sexy posts around the blogs last week... once again... you refer to the original source for more photos or videos....

There is this very Sexy toilet equipments, not sure will these products come to Singapore:

Next, if you are a football player, actors, or politician, do you know why you should keep your name short?

Source: Sexist Obama supporter

Keep your name short. If not...... (check it out if you didn't keep your name short.....)

Next, do you ever see a show girl like below:

Source: Sexy car show models

Source: China car show

And what if some accident happen! Not the car, but to the model....

Source: Car show accident

You ever see such a complicated relationship?

Continue reading the complicated relationship story.....

Next.... Copycat blogger

Britain got talent: 12 years old boy vs 40 year-old virgin

How can these happen in......




That is all for the moment....

Click here for more Juiciest Posts of the Week


"I also think it is possible to achieve success without having to start out with despair. Even though one loses out here and there, and even though one sometimes feels a falling off, one must rally and take courage again, even though things should turn out differently from what one originally intended."

(p. 205, from THE LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH, translated by Arnold Pomerans. This is from a letter of October 1882, written to his brother, Theo.)

That's another photo from the San Gregorio webcam. I thrive in cool, not cold, overcast weather where there is relatively low humidity. My inner landscape is a good place, a creative place.

There's too much glare here for a good photo this morning. But listen to a bit of what what I can hear outside.

Many thanks to those who keep stopping by my blog even though I've been quiet lately. My creative energy for drawing and painting is at a low ebb. My book of art and poetry is almost ready for self-publishing. The prototype is a 98-page book, 6 x 8 inches, made on a Mac, perfect bound at Apple, Inc, in Elk Grove, California, and then FedEx'd to my home. Amazing! My plan at this time is to have a local printer make 1000 copies. The local independent bookstore will take my book on consignment, so it may be possible to order it eventually from their web site. I'm trying to make this as simple as possible for me and everyone involved.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


The photo is from my current favorite webcam. More here. That's the Pacific Ocean in the distance.

"In case you think Gauguin and I get down to work effortlessly, let me tell you the work does not always come easily to us. And my wish for our Dutch friends, and for you as well, is that they should feel no more discouraged by their difficulties than we do."

(p. 424, from THE LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH, translated by Arnold Pomerans. This is from a letter of December 1888, written to his brother, Theo.)

Looking east from my porch today:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Juiciest Videos Collections

Here are some of the videos that I have mentioned previously, but they have been long lost, either being taken off from Youtube, or never been found. Someone did collect them and email me the link for download.... and of course, some other funny videos too....

Singapore Guy DIY in MRT video is removed... as his face is shown explictly in the video....

Next is the Singapore East Coast, I went there last weekend, and saw some sand castles there... Of course I am not going to show this video.....

But the East Coast Couple Video

Maid Abuse Kid Videos

Girls: Do you have such experience in school?

Guys: How your small car can beat over a sport car


See how SHE introduces 少女的酥胸
See how HE jumps over a Lamborgini

S Factor:

S Factor Episode 1
S Factor Episode 2
S Factor Episode 3

I never watch, many says no good, but still many talk about it.

Click here for more nice video

Sunday, April 19, 2009

An introduction to Japan's New Revolutionary "Male" Toy

This is an introduction to Japan's New Revolutionary Masturbation Toy.

Tenga - A New Adult Concept.

It has taken Japan by storm and consists of the red, black and white series. This introduction is about the red series.

The toy serve to mimic sexual experiences and are made of the Deep Throat

A picture says a thousand words, wait, you may want to watch the video first.

Presented by:

The Tenga Deep Throat Cup


The Tenga Air Cushion Cup


The Tenga Double Hole Cup

The Tenga Soft Tube Cup


The Tenga Rolling head Cup

Visit to get concise information

The Tenga Sex Toy Store

Try a Tenga today, you will not regret!


Tomorrow will be one year since R died. I'll be lighting a candle for him. Don't have much to say these days. Here's something to listen to:

Remembering and Letting Go with Love

Saturday, April 18, 2009


"I know you're long gone, I guess it must be up to me."
-- from "Up to Me," written by Bob Dylan in 1974


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