
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Juiciest Post of the week - 2nd week of June

This week in the blog, we have a girl and a guy claim they were molested. And of course, more importantly, is a girl from China willing to take off her clothes and show her photos if you donate money to her to help her family in the earth quake. And finally, lets us see the difference between Malaysia Chinese and Singapore Chinese, and how different we speak.

But before that, lets review some of my preivous posts:

We have this TV hosts zaogeng on live TV. Opps camera still active

Then a girl kena caught in camera by hanging her leg at bus stop, so she zaogeng also. Don't sit like this if you wearing skirt

Then is this girl in miniskirt dancing in the MRT train and being captured in the camera. Miniskirt in the dance

The uncle learns her after watching the video. Uncle cannot tahan dance also

So let us take a look this girl:

"I woke up and felt fingers running along the right side of my back. With my back facing John, I didn’t know what to do. I kept very still because I was afraid of being assaulted. He’s easily 1.5 times my size, not to mention being taller than me. Soon enough that stopped but I didn’t dare go back to sleep.Then I felt it. The distinct feeling of a sausage-like object rubbing against my bottom. I couldn’t take it any more and screamed and jolted up."

Then we see this pity guy:

"As I was in my half wake half sleep state, I felt got fingers caressing my chest. Then sometimes the fingers will come to flick flick my neh chee one. I didn’t know what to do. I was very afraid and I kept very still. Then Suzy suddenly turned on her side facing me and stealthily put one leg under my thigh and wrapped the other over it. My legs tio kiap liao loh. I felt machiam like the mouse kena coiled by anaconda. I can feel her cheebye pressing against my leg and rub rub some more. "

Apparently, if the things really happen, and if police can't help, then really nothing much we can do. This applies to many other cases, such as rental scam, where the owner get the deposite and run away. Such as: (something very funny is that this blog also called jean, same as the gal get molested).

Next is a sad case, where a pretty China gal called Xiao Yun from Beijing, she says in her blog that (unfortunately I can't find her blog) if anyone donate money to her, then she will put her photos without wearing any clothes. So lets take a look at this pretty gal day to day photos:

A very pretty and decent gal isn't it? Please pay attention to her Mac notebook and her clothes... and here we continue:

Those are her sexy post photos. In fact, I find that she is not so clever, as she posts her photos online, anyone (including those no make donation can see it). So she should learn from this gal:
Only teleconference with those who donate to her (though still will have some very unethical guys will tape it down). And we continue (but do you notice that she like this white cloth very much! sorry... being a gal I pay very much notice on what others wearing, basically you will find that most of her photos are in two white clothes, one is this long sleeves one and another is a t-shirt written MAKAN, and you will also see her Mac book later on her bed):
So do you think she is doing anything wrong? To me is not, at least she didn't cheat, didn't rob, didn't hurt anyone, earning money on her own. But on the other hand, what happen if a young gal, try to earn money in this way just to buy branded stuffs? Ai............

Some other reports:

Most complete source:

Back to our neightbour, here cowboycaleb made a comparisons between Singaporean and Malaysian on their educations etc... (I can't wait for the 2nd part out)...

"So Singaporeans make good managers in a stable environment where the status quo is to be maintained. Malaysians however thrive in chaotic situations with no clear instructions by behaving like leaders. However, Malaysians are more likely to be prone to corruption because they can’t resist the idea of a shortcut to success. Singaporeans are mentally conditioned against shortcuts and rebellion by their education system."

I think what he says is very true, though Singapore and Malaysia are very closed physically, but the thinking and education from people on both sides are very MUCH DIFFERENT. I think Sg government has protected us too much. Anyway, take a look at a funny one:

Malaysian will say: 哇捞weh!!!! behtahan 他sibei够力那条友 一路来都是跳过龙沟按钱
But proper chinese is: 哇!!!! 受不了他! 很厉害, 他一向都是跳过沟渠去取款

Click here for more Juiciest Posts of the Week

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