
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Starhub unblock BT? Or is it because my story with starhub?

I find out that my BT download speed for last night is ver fast. A 500MB guess guess guess is done just over a few hours, amazing! So is it Starhub unblock the BT?

My top speed is at 229 kB/s, and on average I get at least 70 kB/s, this never happens before. So any one experience the same? Or is it because my contract with Starhub ending soon? Here is my story with Starhub.

Because of my mobile line, I am very piss off with Starhub. You know I called in their mobile customer hotline for many many times, always my call was routed to MaxOnline, and told me that the mobile side is too busy to answer my call. And then after I repeat my case to the MaxOnline staff, they say they can't handle my mobile line at all. IF YOU CANNOT HANDLE, THEN WHY ASK ME TO REPEAT MY STORY TO YOU EVERYTIME? Always say they will ask the mobile line to call me back, but never done so. At least I didn't get any call from them.

So I switch to Singtel a few days ago after my contract with Starhub expire. Then I call in to MaxOnline, asking when is the expiration date for my broadband. Could it be due to this reason, then Starhub let me have a higher speed? So that I won't switch to Singtel?

Anyone got similar experience? And frankly speaking, I really VERY DISAPPOINTED to Starhub customer service. And I was disappointed to their broandband speed also, at least before yesterday.

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